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Nation Building and Statehood of the Nagorno Karabakh RepublicArtsakh is a state committed to freedom, democracy, free market economy and respect of human rights. As stated in the Article I of NKR Constitution, the Nagorno Karabakh Republic, Artsakh, is a sovereign, democratic stat
Pashinyan ready to recognize Azerbaijan s territorial integrityArmenian PM Nikol Pashinyan said that he is prepared to “lower the bar” regarding the status of Artsakh in negotiations on a peace agreement with Azerbaijan.
Nagorno-Karabakh profile - BBC NewsThe landlocked mountainous region of Nagorno-Karabakh was the subject of a long-standing territorial dispute between Azerbaijan, in which it lies, and its ethnic Armenian majority, backed by neighbouring Armenia.
Constitution of the Nagorno Karabakh RepublicConstitution of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic
Glendale, California - WikipediaNew Spain achieved its independence from the Spanish Empire in 1821, and from 1824, Rancho San Rafael existed within the new Mexican Republic.
Nagorno-Karabakh: History, Geography and EthnologyThe Nagorno-KarabakhConflict: Background and Facts.
Home | MARIAM GHAZARIAN - PRIVATE TOURSMariam Ghazarian, I am a Private Professional Tour Guide in Armenia! Offering Premium Luxury Private Customized Tours Experiences in Arme
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